The following data is collected for the operation of the website:
Name, E-mail, Password, Address, Purchase History, Phone Number and if available Product Reviews, Personal Product Labels.
In addition, for security reasons there is an access file that contains the page that the user visited, the time of the visit, the IP address from which the connection was made as well as some features of the browser.
By accepting this and using the website, users consent to the storage and processing of their personal data.
Users have the ability to view and edit their data from their profile page.
Users also have the right to request a copy of all their personal data as well as their deletion through their profile page.
This data is considered confidential and is accessible only to authorized employees as well as cooperating companies. Olivelandshop undertakes not to disclose users’ personal data unless it has written authorization from them, or this is required by a court decision or decision of another public authority.
For the smooth operation of the website but also for the improvement of our services, cookies are used. Cookies are electronic files that are stored on the computer or other device of the user from the website and allow the identification of the device. They are used to connect the user to his personal account, to store products in his cart or wish list as well as to collect data used to improve our service and to display ads related to the user’s interests.
The cookies used by the website are:
1. Acceptance Cookie
2. Login Cookie
3. Basket Cookie
4. Wishlist Cookie
5. Google Analytics
6. Google Adwords
In order for cookies to be stored on the user’s device, we explicitly request their acceptance or which can be removed at any time.
Non-acceptance of cookies necessary for the operation of the website (1-4) deactivates some of its functions.
To delete existing cookies, consult your browser’s user manual.
Your subscription to our Company newsletter is at your discretion and is not a mandatory procedure for purchasing from our Online Store or for providing our other services, including your simple browsing of our Website.
Your registration in the Newsletter Service of our Company, is completed by entering your e-mail address (email) in the corresponding field on our page and the validation of your subscription by following the link in the validation email that we send. Upon completion of your registration, you give us your explicit consent for our Company to send you information and promotional material for its products and services, as well as related advertising messages.
Our website uses 256 bit SSL encryption on all pages and transactions. This encryption ensures that if the information sent by users is stolen, it will not be readable.